
Project Objective: Provide hot backup archiving system telemetry data software and hardware complex operational and technological management of electric grid.

Telemetry data received from the remote control system at substations complex automated dispatch control system (ADCS) of JSC “MOESK” deployed in the network control center. On the basis of this information, the customer can see how developed the accident, to simulate various modes of operation of the network substations, to analyze the correctness of dispatching personnel actions, as well as the correct operation of relay protection and emergency control in the investigation of accidents in the power system.

In just 2 months IPNET experts have tested about 10 options for creating a fault-tolerant backup system architecture, upgraded application software, launched a failsafe system configuration, for 2 days had a customer data migration from the old system to the new archive.

In addition, the IPNET has helped JSC “MOESK” to extend the license for the number of tags (collected telemetry). Currently, the archive received 100,000 measurements (used to be 50 thousand) on the state of substation equipment of electric grid voltage of 35 – 220 kW, located on the territory of Moscow and Moscow Region.

Established archiving system is deployed based on OSIsoft PI System decisions.


  • backup critical data of JSC “MOESK”;
  • expansion of the collected telemetry;
  • ensuring the reliability of the electric grid;
  • increasing the safety of the substation.