
Fusion.js JavaScript framework is geared to lightweight apps

Uber has introduced an open source web framework called Fusion.js that is anchored by a plugin architecture.

Intended for development of high-performing, lightweight apps, the JavaScript framework offers code reuse on both the server and browser and works with libraries such as React and Redux.

Fusion.js offers a command-line interface, a webpack/babel transpilation pipeline, and a Koa server. You use its plug-in-based architecture to build single-page applications and applications that depend on service layers to meet requirements such observability, testing, and internationalization. There are plugins for data-fetching and styling.

Fusion.js also has a testing environment with Jest, Enzyme, Puppeteer, and integration utilities.

Other features include:

  • Server-side and async rendering.
  • ECMAScript 2017 and JSX support.
  • Hot module reloading in development mode.
  • Bundle splitting.
  • Universal rendering, to run the same code in the browser and server.
  • The fusion-core package providing a generic entry point class for applications and used by the Fusion.js runtime.
  • Server-side development via the Koa.js framework.
  • Bundle analysis tools.

Where to download Fusion.js

You can download Fusion.js from the project’s GitHub repo. Uber recommends using yarn create to create a new Fusion application.