

Jenkins Blue Ocean UI to provide code quality insights

Blue Ocean, the new user interface for the popular Jenkins continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform, will begin incorporating insights into code quality trends and static analyses, under an improvement plan detailed this week by the project’s creator. The goal is to improve the developer’s visibility into the health […]

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How to Fix the Most Common Magento SEO Issues

Magento is often regarded as a challenging e-commerce platform to achieve technical excellence with. Despite its complex rewrite engine, codebase, and dynamic content and URLs, leading global brands such as Burger King, Coca-Cola, and Tom Dixon all use the platform. Magento boasts a number of great achievements including increasing sales and […]

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GitHub’s Atom editor gets a speed boost

GitHub has just released an upgrade to its “hackable” Atom text editor, adding a native C++ buffer and rewriting the DOM interaction layer. The company also has offered a glimpse of the next version, which will improve Git integration and PHP support. With this week’s Atom 1.19 release, a native C++ text […]

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Angular, Google’s popular JavaScript framework for building mobile and desktop applications, has had a whirlwind year, with two major upgrades in the past 11 months. It will reach the next milestone in its six-month release schedule in September, when Angular 5 is due to debut with major accommodations for Google-driven progressive web apps. […]

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How to convert Python to JavaScript (and back again)

Python or JavaScript? While we’re still arguing over which has the upper hand or the brighter future, little doubt exists as to which owns the web’s front end. It’s JavaScript in the browser or nothing. Well, maybe not nothing. JavaScript is a favorite target language for “transpilers” that convert one programming language […]

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Microcosm simplifies state management for React apps

Viget Labs has published a data layer for Facebook’s popular React JavaScript UI library. Called Microcosm, the open source tool manages state and data flow for React applications, keeping track of user actions even when users switch context or lose connectivity. Formally introduced to the public this month, Microcosm reduces the need […]

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5 Technical SEO Traps to Dodge

Search marketing can bring lots of benefits to your business and provide great marketing ROI. If you do it right, organic search provides you with a high-quality source of qualified traffic. However, SEO is much more than keywords and links. There are lots of technical aspects to SEO that, if you’re not […]

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14 jQuery Live Search Plugins

A live search is an enhanced search form that uses AJAX technology to deliver results or suggestions within the same view. This is different from a regular HTML input field that is given autocomplete powers from a modern browser like Chrome, Firefox or Safari. A live search is often an input field that has […]

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What is Docker? Linux containers explained

Like FreeBSD Jails and Solaris Zones, Linux containers are self-contained execution environments—with their own, isolated CPU, memory, block I/O, and network resources—that share the kernel of the host operating system. The result is something that feels like a virtual machine, but sheds all the weight and startup overhead of a […]

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